Art Appreciation; part 1

Hello again my darling.

How to enjoy the arts-how to appreciate art.  Well this is going to tell you about some passions and a little niche in the art world and how I’ve found that are all connected; learning to appreciate the art is a pleasure and a job it is more fulfilling and not as hard as some make it out to be really.   However there are those whom just don’t want to appreciate the “finer” things in life; there are those whom do love art but, there are just those certain groups that shy away from elegant and prestigious things.

Now I know that there are those who want to know what is so important about the arts? Why we as feminine women should supports the arts?

Personally as a female since I can remember the love of arts has been more than second nature to me as well as embracing other cultures in the forms of literature, history, musicals, ballets, vocals…I love singing, dancing, writing, painting and decorating, I love elegant designs which vary based on time periods.  I enjoy Art history, painting, drawing, sculpting and, etc; yet I did somehow saw a connection between opera/ensembles and ballet, the ballet and literature, music and musical theater, dance and music, design and stage,Art History and architecture, Studio Art and landscaping.  Interesting on how these things ring a bell doesn’t it?

Art appreciation has held a quite snobbish reputation because its portrayed as only the rich, upper middle class and, those climbing social ladders to seem to go on and on about some painting or artist or musical theater; they don’t speak in a diction or tongue like those of the lower end of the spectrum.  Many state when they are caught in those conversations they fly over their heads and wish for the ground to open up and swallow them in.

I was not one of them and I did study art history in school, though I did spend a great amount of time going to museums, art galleries and theaters to enrich my understanding.  I know that there are those out there trying to read and understand more about the arts and what they mean.

I didn’t think much of it when I was seven years old but, there are those out there that state that I was trying to be sophisticated or trying to speak in the ‘arts’ lingo.  Now there are several expensive art appreciation courses now these things are good along with the books but, it does not make us feel the love at the end of the day, you’ll end up not getting it.

Some just move on and go on with there lives.

Nonetheless there are those few whom later understand the little niche in the arts world and, they are propelled into the appreciation progress naturally.  They now realize and understand that there is a place in the art world for everyone and art is for everybody; its one of those things finding an entry or a small chink in the wall to the  world of art that means something to you and only you.

What does Art Appreciation exactly mean for you?

Art Appreciation can be defined as the knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless qualities that are identify all great art; this means you appreciate and understand the art of different eras, movements, styles and techniques, the better you can develop, evaluate and improve your own artwork.

Understanding art and appreciating art not only gives better understand but, also enriches you in a beautiful way; you are art yourself so how else to appreciate art by evaluating it from all sides.

Stay tuned for part two my dear and thank you for visiting!

Traditional Japanese Geisha

“I think the geisha women are beautiful. I’m really intrigued by their look.”-Suzanne Shaw

Hello again darling,

One of the cultures that I found to be elegant is the Japanese culture compared to the French, Italian and Catalan cultures that I am very familiar with hench the name Splendida (Italian for gorgeous), Belle (French for beautiful) and Senyora (Catalan for lady).  Nonetheless I find this culture to be very elegant and is a good culture to get ideas from in order to embrace all forms of femininity compared to the distasteful role models that most women out do.

The Japanese lovelies are usually described as being “nimble and graceful”– now even if they were plain-looking the lapse of years had robbed them of their physical charms for, Japanese women are generally described as an “potent, attractive and, classy”.

Sadly the western world has portrayed them has high-class call girls which is not true for the traditional geisha’s but, true geisha are artists with a goal to be moving artwork and, real geisha’s never sell their body to their client(s).  Geisha’s are more well educated than the average Japanese woman and in ancient times including to this modern time are high-class businesswomen whom have more independence from men than the ordinary Japanese woman.

No matter what darling the new “Miss” or “Mrs” Japan is a different type of creature and the ethics of femininity and sex appeal have changed amongst the younger generations.

The Japanese women are much better-looking in every way than their predecessors and, older generations in Japan would also agree with one on this standpoint; furthermore, Japanese women are taller, have shapelier figures, prettier legs and straighter backs.

It seems as the years pass it becomes increasingly obvious.  The geisha is truly a great example in the guidance of achieving femininity, grace and elegance without giving up your strength nor independence from a man.

Thank you for visiting!