Traditional Japanese Geisha

“I think the geisha women are beautiful. I’m really intrigued by their look.”-Suzanne Shaw

Hello again darling,

One of the cultures that I found to be elegant is the Japanese culture compared to the French, Italian and Catalan cultures that I am very familiar with hench the name Splendida (Italian for gorgeous), Belle (French for beautiful) and Senyora (Catalan for lady).  Nonetheless I find this culture to be very elegant and is a good culture to get ideas from in order to embrace all forms of femininity compared to the distasteful role models that most women out do.

The Japanese lovelies are usually described as being “nimble and graceful”– now even if they were plain-looking the lapse of years had robbed them of their physical charms for, Japanese women are generally described as an “potent, attractive and, classy”.

Sadly the western world has portrayed them has high-class call girls which is not true for the traditional geisha’s but, true geisha are artists with a goal to be moving artwork and, real geisha’s never sell their body to their client(s).  Geisha’s are more well educated than the average Japanese woman and in ancient times including to this modern time are high-class businesswomen whom have more independence from men than the ordinary Japanese woman.

No matter what darling the new “Miss” or “Mrs” Japan is a different type of creature and the ethics of femininity and sex appeal have changed amongst the younger generations.

The Japanese women are much better-looking in every way than their predecessors and, older generations in Japan would also agree with one on this standpoint; furthermore, Japanese women are taller, have shapelier figures, prettier legs and straighter backs.

It seems as the years pass it becomes increasingly obvious.  The geisha is truly a great example in the guidance of achieving femininity, grace and elegance without giving up your strength nor independence from a man.

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