Conversations and reading

Hello Again Darlings

There is a matter of conversations and reading that should be a number on thing when it comes to women because there are men out here that really do think its interesting based on what a woman reads; so it would make sense that when she speak her mind that she’ll end up with a individual that shares the same mindset as her.  Looks only go but so far in life so, intelligence is another stepping stone to help other perceive you as different.  This will also help those whom are labeled with a stereotype to easily undermine the stereotype that has been placed in front of them; this goes for my fellow women of African-American and Caribbean descents for, there are far too many negative than positive stereotypes placed in front of them.


Now a two hour to three hour conversation is good enough just to talk to a person if you are getting to know them, then it would be wise to think about 10 to 12 topics to cover in order to have a conversation that long in order to make a conversation to last at least two hours.  What can those conversations consist of?  Nothing too much on personal life, nothing about gossip at all because ladies never gossip and, nothing about past relations unless its a potential suitor.   News topics are great as well as books that are very complex such as “Naked Lunch” or “Clarissa“; good reads such as those can land yourself in an endless amount of conversation about other books that the other person might have read.

Another thing is engage the person if they are from another culture and, tell them things that you may have heard or even learned about in their culture.   It makes you more attractive and interesting which also leads to a new group of people to meet as well as engage in a new culture which will lead to different suitors that are a part of that culture.  Which is true if one is willing to engage others of a different culture for personal enrichment; I have been doing it for a while so its easy for me but, the next girl might have a little bit more trouble based at where she is at on different cultural understandings.

Another good idea is to read things that talk about or are written by things based of what type of culture they were raised on; there are a lot of different cultures that are around the world today yet, there are a few things that people know about a different culture because they don’t seem too interested in engaging a person from another culture. I find that sad and sometimes hard to believe because maintain one culture could be boring after a while but, everyone has their own opinions of whats interesting and what is not.

Number 1 rule: When talking to others always use social etiquette as well as cultural etiquette for that particular culture.

Always engage others in conversations which will allow more doors to open for you as well as for them.


What are the benefits of reading? How can a lady benefit from just reading?

This is probably a question on your mind because there are not too many girls that read anymore but, just devoting a little fifteen minutes a woman can expand her vocabulary as well as increase her knowledge on a certain subject.   There are many books that are very complex that can help expand a person’s vocabulary without them even knowing it for, there are words that are not commonly used in the English language that have greater meaning than vulgar words that are typically used.

In addition it does give one the impression that she who speaks with diction that is crisp and clear is one that is obviously intelligent; furthermore, it will also help give better arrangement when finding suitable associates to spend time with as well as enrich one another in conversation.

Remember darling there is only so much your looks can do in order to make others want to be around you; thus having good conversational skills along with avid reading can make a difference in who you want to associate with.

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